Visual Analysis Blog #2 Frannie Pedersen

The Evolution of Mickey Mouse

My family and I are big fans of everything Disney related, from going to Disney World to watching Disney movies. Growing up, as I watched Disney Channel I noticed slight changes to Mickey Mouse over the years of my childhood. I never realized how drastically they have changed him since he was created. The slight changes I saw made to him over the decade I spent watching, I never realized the extent of his evolution. When Mickey Mouse was first drawn and featured in cartoons, it was the early 1900’s and technology was nothing of what it is now. Viewed all the way to the left you can see he was drawn simplistic in black and white with little detail. There are hundreds of different Mickey Mouses because of the amount of cartoons, movies, shoes, etc. he was featured in. With each feature of him, he is bound to look a little different overtime, but throughout the years they made larger, more detailed changes to him. With Disney constantly coming out with new content for their brand Mickey Mouse (being their mascot) is always being altered. The second photo of Mickey Mouse is a perfect example of how he is changed by adding detail such as his hat. The third Mickey Mouse was one of the most popular versions of him, this version was when Disney World in 1970’s which gained much popularity. The fourth picture being the most recent version of Mickey which is the one I grew up on. Comparing the two photos of Mickey- first and last you can see the obvious differences such as color difference and size. But if you look closer at the original Mickey you see the big eyes, short shorts, and small shoes which is much different than present day. He now features bigger shorts, smaller eyes, bigger shorts, and many colors. These changes impacted the overall perception of Mickey Mouse.

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